
United Architektur BDA
WichertstraĂźe 2
10439 Berlin
T +49 (0)30 308740 26

SĂŁo Paulo

United Architektur 
Rua Engenheiro Elias Machado de Almeida 156
SĂŁo Paulo, SP
05517-070, Brazil
T +55 11 991412155


Are you interested in our work or would you like to have more information about United? Would you like to contact a member of the senior management or sales management? Please send us an email to or call +49 (0)30 30874026. 


For all press inquires, questions and interviews, contact us at or call +49 (0)30 30874026. Graphical material (released for Publishing) available on request.


We are continuously seeking skilled people. Applications can be sent to Jens Brinkmann via or call us.

Current Open Positions:
Architecture Interns, preferably with experience in AutoCAD, Lumion, Rhino and ArchiCAD. To start as soon as possible. 

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