Meyer-Köring Law Firm

Berlin, Germany

Meyer-Köring is a law firm based in Bonn and Berlin. The clients asked for a design concept for the reception area of their new Berlin-Mitte office, including a conference room as well as a waiting room and library.
The project involved the design of furniture, a conference table, a sideboard as well as library book shelves and a waiting/work table. The design concept follows the simple idea of lightness and openness: table tops, the sideboard and book shelves seem to float in space. At the same time, the use of innovative materials such as fibre concrete contrasts the impression of lightness creating an extraordinary spatial expression. Simplicity and generosity generate a very good working atmosphere.

Architects: Jens Brinkmann
Collaborators: Katharina Wagner, Julie Biron
Photos: Giorgi Sautaschvili

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United Architektur BDA
Wichertstraße 2
10439 Berlin

T: +49 (0) 30 308 740 26


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