Haus des Kindes
Nursery school, Golßen, Germany
Haus des Kindes nursery school is located in Golßen, a small town south of Berlin close to the Spreewald region. The project involves the transformation of a former elementary school into a nursery school and kindergarten. Children‘s perception of space is of great importance for their development of creativity and education. This was an important starting point for our design concept. The functional needs of such a complex building as a nursery school take into account the children‘s scale, natural lighting, acoustics and climatic aspects as well as the use of colourful materials which have a positive effect on the spaces.
Architects: Jens Brinkmann, Doreen Ebert, Prof. Bernd Huckriede, Alejandro Tomás-Roldán
Collaborators: Simone Buck, Roman Röhrig, Philipp Stroh
Fotos: Frank Hülsbömer